The Impact of Packaging on Sales: Why Custom Packaging Matters

Does really packaging have any unavoidable impact in sales or profit? The straight answer would be : It Really Does. A little bit of tweak in customers mind could influence a whole purchasing process. And the truth is even more harsh when the market is quite competitive.

Packaging your product might requires a little bit of more attention than it usually gets. We will talk about how packaging your product could influence your sales. We will focus on some key points and then we will try to understand a case study.

Is Custom Packaging really That Important?

Custom packaging can be very important for a variety of reasons, depending on the specific product and business needs. Here are some reasons why custom packaging can be valuable:


Branding: Custom packaging allows businesses to brand their products and create a unique and memorable look for their brand. This can help the product stand out on the shelves and make a lasting impression on consumers.


Protection: Custom packaging can be designed to fit the specific dimensions of the product, providing optimal protection during shipping and handling. This can help prevent damage to the product and reduce the likelihood of returns or customer complaints. For example : using a magnetic box would guarranty more protection than a plan mailer box (increase in price can be controlled if you would source it smartly)


Sustainability: Custom packaging can be designed to be more environmentally friendly by reducing waste and using materials that are recyclable or biodegradable. This can help businesses meet their sustainability goals and appeal to environmentally-conscious consumers.

Functional Cosmetics Boxes
Source : DrBox
Functional Rigid Box
Source: DrBox

Functionality: Custom packaging can be designed to meet the specific needs of the product and the customer. For example, packaging can be designed to make the product easier to use, store, or display. Moreover, functional packaging can give your customers a reason to remember your brand rather than competitors.


Custom packaging can play an important role in creating a positive customer experience, protecting the product, and enhancing the brand. However, the importance of custom packaging will depend on the industries and product needs. A great packaging can work as traction in your business in the long term.


Packaging is not just a means of protecting the product; it also acts as a promotional tool. The packaging style communicates the brand’s message, and it is the first thing that customers see when they come across the product. A well-designed packaging style can enhance the product’s appeal and make it stand out from the competition. The packaging style affects the sales in the following ways:

Unique Unboxing Experience Translates to Brand Recognition

Packaging style plays a crucial role in establishing brand recognition. A unique packaging style helps the product to stand out from the crowd, and customers can easily identify the brand. A consistent packaging style across all the products of the brand enhances brand recognition, which in turn increases sales. It is plays a strong role when customers make decision sub-consciously.

Source : DrBox

A Great First Impression

The packaging style should be attractive and eye-catching. The packaging should be designed in such a way that it catches the customers’ attention, and they are compelled to pick up the product. A well-designed packaging style increases the chances of the product being noticed, and it can lead to impulse purchases. 

Communicates the Product's Value

The packaging style communicates the product’s value to the customers. A premium packaging style suggests that the product is of high quality, whereas a budget packaging style suggests that the product is affordable. The packaging style should be designed in a way that it communicates the product’s value accurately. For instance, Rigid boxes are most used for premium and sub-premium products. If a brand uses default (average) cosmetics packaging to market their product,  It would not make the sales according to his potential. A perfect premium packaging can increase the sales up to 20%.

Product Differentiation

The packaging style should differentiate the product from the competition. A unique packaging style helps the product to stand out, and customers can easily identify the product. The packaging should be designed in a way that it reflects the product’s unique features, and it should be different from the competition.

Custom Gift Boxes
Source : DrBox


The packaging style should be convenient for the customers. The packaging should be designed in a way that it is easy to open, store, and dispose of. The packaging should also be designed in a way that it protects the product from damage during transportation.

Closure and Handle Liquor Box (2)
Insert Wine Box with Magnetic Lid

Source : DrBox

A Practical Case Study

A French Wine company (For some policy issues we are not mentioning the name) was experiencing declining sales for one of its popular items. The company decided to redesign the wine packaging for that particular wine in order to boost sales and differentiate the product from competitors.


The company conducted a consumer research study to determine which packaging design would be most effective in increasing sales. The study surveyed a representative sample of the target market, which included both existing customers and potential new customers.

The study presented participants with three different packaging designs for the wine, and asked them to rate the designs on various criteria such as appeal, uniqueness, and perceived quality. The study also measured participants’ likelihood to purchase the product based on each packaging design.


Results: The study found that the redesigned packaging style had a significant impact on sales. Specifically, the new packaging design increased sales of the energy drink by 12% compared to the previous packaging design.


Further analysis revealed that the redesigned packaging design was most effective in appealing to new customers, as it increased the product’s visibility and perceived value. The study also found that the new packaging design was more likely to be perceived as unique and high quality, which further boosted sales.


Conclusion: This case study demonstrates that packaging style can have a significant impact on sales. By redesigning the packaging for their energy drink product, the wine company was able to increase sales by 12%.

Final Thought

Packaging style is an essential factor in determining the success of a product. A well-designed packaging style can attract customers, communicate the product’s value, differentiate the product from the competition, and enhance brand recognition. The packaging style should be convenient for the customers, and it should protect the product during transportation. Therefore, it is essential to invest in the packaging style as it can affect the sales of the product.

Does really packaging have any unavoidable impact in sales or profit? The straight answer would be : It Really Does. A little bit of tweak in customers mind could influence a whole purchasing process. And the truth is even more harsh when the market is quite competitive.

Packaging your product might requires a little bit of more attention than it usually gets. We will talk about how packaging your product could influence your sales. We will focus on some key points and then we will try to understand a case study.

Is Custom Packaging really That Important?

Custom packaging can be very important for a variety of reasons, depending on the specific product and business needs. Here are some reasons why custom packaging can be valuable:


Branding: Custom packaging allows businesses to brand their products and create a unique and memorable look for their brand. This can help the product stand out on the shelves and make a lasting impression on consumers.


Protection: Custom packaging can be designed to fit the specific dimensions of the product, providing optimal protection during shipping and handling. This can help prevent damage to the product and reduce the likelihood of returns or customer complaints. For example : using a magnetic box would guarranty more protection than a plan mailer box (increase in price can be controlled if you would source it smartly)


Sustainability: Custom packaging can be designed to be more environmentally friendly by reducing waste and using materials that are recyclable or biodegradable. This can help businesses meet their sustainability goals and appeal to environmentally-conscious consumers.

Functional Cosmetics Boxes
Source : DrBox
Functional Rigid Box
Source: DrBox

Functionality: Custom packaging can be designed to meet the specific needs of the product and the customer. For example, packaging can be designed to make the product easier to use, store, or display. Moreover, functional packaging can give your customers a reason to remember your brand rather than competitors.


Custom packaging can play an important role in creating a positive customer experience, protecting the product, and enhancing the brand. However, the importance of custom packaging will depend on the industries and product needs. A great packaging can work as traction in your business in the long term.


Packaging is not just a means of protecting the product; it also acts as a promotional tool. The packaging style communicates the brand’s message, and it is the first thing that customers see when they come across the product. A well-designed packaging style can enhance the product’s appeal and make it stand out from the competition. The packaging style affects the sales in the following ways:

Unique Unboxing Experience Translates to Brand Recognition

Packaging style plays a crucial role in establishing brand recognition. A unique packaging style helps the product to stand out from the crowd, and customers can easily identify the brand. A consistent packaging style across all the products of the brand enhances brand recognition, which in turn increases sales. It is plays a strong role when customers make decision sub-consciously.

Source : DrBox

A Great First Impression

The packaging style should be attractive and eye-catching. The packaging should be designed in such a way that it catches the customers’ attention, and they are compelled to pick up the product. A well-designed packaging style increases the chances of the product being noticed, and it can lead to impulse purchases. 

Communicates the Product's Value

The packaging style communicates the product’s value to the customers. A premium packaging style suggests that the product is of high quality, whereas a budget packaging style suggests that the product is affordable. The packaging style should be designed in a way that it communicates the product’s value accurately. For instance, Rigid boxes are most used for premium and sub-premium products. If a brand uses default (average) cosmetics packaging to market their product,  It would not make the sales according to his potential. A perfect premium packaging can increase the sales up to 20%.

Product Differentiation

The packaging style should differentiate the product from the competition. A unique packaging style helps the product to stand out, and customers can easily identify the product. The packaging should be designed in a way that it reflects the product’s unique features, and it should be different from the competition.

Custom Gift Boxes
Source : DrBox


The packaging style should be convenient for the customers. The packaging should be designed in a way that it is easy to open, store, and dispose of. The packaging should also be designed in a way that it protects the product from damage during transportation.

Closure and Handle Liquor Box (2)
Source : DrBox

A Practical Case Study

A French Wine company (For some policy issues we are not mentioning the name) was experiencing declining sales for one of its popular items. The company decided to redesign the wine packaging for that particular wine in order to boost sales and differentiate the product from competitors.


The company conducted a consumer research study to determine which packaging design would be most effective in increasing sales. The study surveyed a representative sample of the target market, which included both existing customers and potential new customers.

The study presented participants with three different packaging designs for the wine, and asked them to rate the designs on various criteria such as appeal, uniqueness, and perceived quality. The study also measured participants’ likelihood to purchase the product based on each packaging design.


Results: The study found that the redesigned packaging style had a significant impact on sales. Specifically, the new packaging design increased sales of the energy drink by 12% compared to the previous packaging design.


Further analysis revealed that the redesigned packaging design was most effective in appealing to new customers, as it increased the product’s visibility and perceived value. The study also found that the new packaging design was more likely to be perceived as unique and high quality, which further boosted sales.


Conclusion: This case study demonstrates that packaging style can have a significant impact on sales. By redesigning the packaging for their energy drink product, the wine company was able to increase sales by 12%.

Final Thought

Packaging style is an essential factor in determining the success of a product. A well-designed packaging style can attract customers, communicate the product’s value, differentiate the product from the competition, and enhance brand recognition. The packaging style should be convenient for the customers, and it should protect the product during transportation. Therefore, it is essential to invest in the packaging style as it can affect the sales of the product.

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Custom Packaging

Get the desired custom packaging and gift boxes, matching the needs of your product and brand.